Here you will find a collection of work dedicated to my years of teaching art! Enjoy!

Here you will find my Art Room Instagram page called: oakgroveart202! Please consider following us on our journey to create wonderful things!

Missouri Western State University, Students are learning different ways to use fibers in Art Methods 350

Student work, 3rd Grade Picasso Project, Oak Grove Elementary, 2018-2019

Student work, 3rd Grade Picasso Project, Oak Grove Elementary, 2018-2019

My 3rd Grade classes at the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum learning about different cultural art.

My 3rd Grade classes at the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum learning about different cultural art.

To check for understanding, Kindergarteners play a color game at Apache Elementary.

To check for understanding, Kindergarteners play a color game at Apache Elementary.

6th Grade Rose Window Printmaking at Apache Elementary School.

6th Grade Rose Window Printmaking at Apache Elementary School.

Kindergarteners at Apache Elementary create their own Chicken Little, after listening to the Chicken Little story.

Kindergarteners at Apache Elementary create their own Chicken Little, after listening to the Chicken Little story.

Missouri Western State University, Students are learning different ways to print in Art Methods 300.

7th Grader working on their Painted value project. 2018 Turner Middle School

Here Shawnee Mission East students, in Photography 1, are learning how a Pinhole Camera organizes light to create an image.

Here Shawnee Mission East students, in Photography 1, are learning how a Pinhole Camera organizes light to create an image.

Here Shawnee Mission East students, in Photography 1, are learning how to develop a postive Pinhole Camera image.

Here Shawnee Mission East students, in Photography 1, are learning how to develop a postive Pinhole Camera image.

High School Students from Shawnee Mission East. Pinhole Project.

High School Students from Shawnee Mission East. Pinhole Project.

This is Hand-Coloring Photograph assignment for the High School Students from Shawnee Mission East.

This is Hand-Coloring Photograph assignment for the High School Students from Shawnee Mission East.

This is Narrative series assignment for the High School Students from Shawnee Mission East.

This is Narrative series assignment for the High School Students from Shawnee Mission East.